Welcome to Our Real Estate Website.

Buying or selling a home can be one of the largest financial decisions you will make and it can seem like an intimidating experience. If you work with us we can streamline the process and save you time, money and stress.


Today's Real Estate Questions

Questions we have answered over the last 48 hours, thought they may be of interest to others as well.

Q: Are closings still happening? 
Yes, absolutely. Most service providers, from lenders to lawyers, to real estate agents are adapting and following the recommendations of health authorities. The process looks similar with proper prodigals put in pla...

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The risk around Covid-19 is constantly evolving and through it all our primary focus will be the health and well being of our clients, staff and community. We understand that clients and partners will require a certain level of our business to remain active and we will continue to operate while we adhere to the regulations put forward by health org...

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Phone: 902 221 4740


Office Info

Avalon Realty Ltd.

PO Box 8651 Halifax  Halifax,  NS  B3K 5M3 

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